Modern medicine recognizes dozens, if not hundreds, of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. However, more often the inhabitants of our country are diagnosed with "arthritis" and "arthrosis", especially during the summer season, when people, forgetting about any precautions, cultivate the beds from morning to evening. What does this mean, and more importantly, how can you avoid joint disease?
Arthritis and arthrosis: what's the difference?
There is a big difference between arthritis and arthrosis. The ending "-itis" in Latin, which is considered the mother tongue of medicine, always indicates that there is an active process of inflammation in the body. This, relatively speaking, is the first stage of joint disease.
But arthrosis in most cases is a natural result of arthritis.
Dmitry Tarasov gives an analogy, comparing joint diseases with fresh and old calluses. In the first case, fluid accumulates under the skin - the wound becomes inflamed and causes discomfort. The old callus does not hurt - the skin in it is dead and therefore insensitive. It's the same with a joint: in the last stage of arthrosis, there are no cartilage cells left, only the bone itself that forms the joint — this is called osteoarthritis.
The terms "arthritis" and "arthrosis" apply to all joints. Their pathologies can be divided into several groups:
- diseases of large joints, namely hips and knees;
- spine pathologies associated with radicular syndromes, intervertebral discs and facet joints;
- arthritis and arthrosis of small joints;
- diseases of wrists, elbows and radiocarpal joints.
As Dmitry Tarasov notes, joint pathologies in the early stages are treated conservatively. Anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective drugs are prescribed - drugs that improve the functions of damaged joints and limit the load on them using crutches or a cane.
The main task of the doctor is to reduce the manifestation of the process and "soften" the arthritis.
Arthrosis, unlike arthritis, cannot be cured by conservative methods. There is only one way out - endoprosthetics, joint replacement. That's why it's so important to take care of your joints throughout life, from a young age, and not just when they start to hurt.
Causes of arthritis
The most common cause of arthritis is the natural course of the joint's life. As we age, cartilage becomes thinner and breaks down. Therefore, doctors say that almost every elderly person can be diagnosed with this disease.
However, arthritis can occur for other reasons. More often - as a result of diseases associated with metabolic disorders. Or, let's say, a person catches a cold, gets sick, and the causative agent of the disease enters the joint, causing its inflammation - this is also arthritis, but of a different nature.
The most common are arthritis after stress and injury. I arrived at the dacha, dug the beds or went to the gym - and the next day my knee joints were swollen. After a few days, the pain gradually subsided. This is post-exercise arthritis.
A sedentary lifestyle is also harmful to the joints. Moreover, the expression "movement is life", according to the expert, is said mainly about joints. They need to move in order to function properly. And if a person is not active, then his muscles and ligaments - everything that forms the stability of the joint - begin to weaken. And at the smallest load they can fail.
What to do if you get shot in the back
Everyone knows the feeling of being shot in the back. As a rule, the pain lasts for a few minutes - and then the person happily forgets about the unpleasant incident. Until next time.
In fact, shooting pain in the back can be associated with many serious reasons and therefore should not be ignored. First of all, you should contact a neurologist or orthopedist. The doctor will prescribe several research methods: x-ray or MRI. After that, the further algorithm of actions will become clear.
So, if the examination shows that the back pain is muscular, the doctor will exclude certain movements and recommend reducing physical activity. However, it is possible that lumbago in the back is associated with damage to the intervertebral discs, the formation of protrusions and hernias - then urgent treatment, including surgery, will be required.
It is important to know that the treatment of spine pathologies is often performed by neurologists and spine surgeons and not by orthopedic surgeons. And this is logical, given how close the spine and nervous system are to each other.
Will vitamins and orthopedic protection help?
Many people take bone and joint vitamins without a doctor's prescription. STILL
Dmitry Tarasov warns that in this case they will not help, but will harm. For example, increasing calcium intake will strengthen bones, but may have a negative impact on kidney function. That is why, before starting a course of vitamins, you should definitely consult a doctor - an endocrinologist or therapist.
Another way to protect your joints is to buy orthopedic products: knee pads, corsets, orthoses, bandages. However, such products "take over" part of the functions performed by the human muscular-ligamentous apparatus. If he is healthy, then wearing orthotics will lead to the fact that the ligaments and muscles will begin to become "lazy" and weaken. And this can cause serious pathology. There is only one conclusion: before buying "protection" for joints, consult a doctor.
When engaging in active sports, always wear elbow and knee protection. They will not save you from serious joint damage, but they will minimize their damage and also protect the skin from damage.